Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy 24 Months Birthday!

Happy 24 Month Birthday
January 6, 2012

You are TWO! Where did the time go? You talk all the time now. You speak in sentences. It is so cute. You repeat, you understand, you can count to 10 (although, sometimes you go directly from 9 to 13, but it’s cute), you sort of say your ABCs. You are such a smarty.

One day, we had read some books. I was sitting in the glider and you sat on the floor and started reading 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed to yourself. It was amazingly adorable. You would say Mama, boom ouch, Doctor “no, no, no” and then turn the page. I can barely handle the sweetness!

In October, we had really big snowstorm right before Halloween. Trees were down everyone and many people throughout the state were without power. We didn’t lose power. We did get to play in the snow. We went sledding in the backyard and made a couple snowmen in the front yard. It was lots of fun. You “helped” daddy shovel. You have your own special shovel and you walked around getting snow. We had Pop and Anita’s wedding in November. You looked so incredibly handsome all dressed up in your little suit vest. You refused to nap though. I don’t blame you. There were fun, interesting things to see and do at the wedding.

Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Poppie and Nana’s house first, and then we went to Vovo and Vavo’s house. On Saturday, we cut down a Christmas tree. You had fun holding the saw for a very short period of time. In December, we went to see the tree lighting in our town. It was really cold outside, but you liked watching all the people. There was singing, and the Mayor read The Night Before Christmas. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were fun and BUSY. We had lots of people to see and houses to go to. Once again, you were spoiled with toys and love.

On your birthday, we went to eat at Rainforest Café. You enjoyed it. You loved the noises all the animals made and ate ice cream for dessert. It was fun. Mommy and Daddy took the day off from work and we spent all day together having fun. The next day was your party and all your friends came. We decorated with Cailou, your favorite cartoon character. You had a great time at your party.

You are at such a fun age. I love it!

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