Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 21 Month Birthday

Happy 21 Month Birthday
October 6, 2011

In three months, you have developed so much. At 18 months, you went from saying a few words, to having MANY words. It almost happened overnight. Around 19 months, I thought it was absolutely amazing that you could point and say what things are. You amaze me with how much you know now.

Summer was fun. We took a trip to Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It was a short mini-vacation. We went to the beach in Rhode Island and you loved it. You played in the sand so much. You were afraid of the ocean at first, but eventually, you got over your slight fear and wanted to run in and stay in. We stayed in a hotel that night and you went in the hotel pool. You liked that too. You didn’t want to get out!

We went to the Roger Williams Zoo the next day and you enjoyed yourself. The Cappettas came too. You fell asleep before we saw the monkeys, so you didn’t make your monkey sounds (which are so adorable too). There is a carousel there near the zoo. We took you on twice. When it was time to leave, you had a meltdown. You loved it so much you did NOT want to leave. I believe everyone there heard you. After we left the zoo, we went to the Cappetta’s house in Massachusetts and spent the evening with them. We ate dinner and took a walk to the lake near them. It was wonderful.

You went to your cousin Logan’s birthday party at this huge bouncy/gymnastics place. You were kind of intimidated by all the older kids, but you played, and ate your pizza like a big boy. We went to Mystic for Mommy and Daddy’s wedding anniversary. We only went to the aquarium there and then came home. You weren’t all that impressed. Maybe next year, you will like it more.

We took a trip to Pennsylvania in August to go to Lake Adventure day and see the fireworks. You played on the little beach there and then it started raining. We all played some games in the clubhouse and then ate supper. They canceled the fireworks and we went home. You were getting antsy.

Also in August, we all went to a picnic for Grandma and Poppy’s work (Nucor). You played in the baseball field, on the basketball court, the tennis court, and ate some food. It was fun, but you ran and fell and scraped your knees. You constantly mentioned your boo-boos on your knees for weeks and weeks. It was cute.

For Labor Day, we did a couple picnics. One was at Vavo and Vovo’s and one was at Pop and Nana’s. You had fun. You went swimming. You love the water. You love running around in the grass. You just LOVE being outside. We went to KidCity in Middletown one day and you LOVED that place too. You had a lot more fun than I thought you would have. It was great for a rainy day. We went with a group of kids and you made friends.

We went to the Big E in September also. It was a long day, but you were really well behaved. You liked looking at the animals. You mostly just hung out in the stroller, though.

You started a “gymnastics” class that you love. The first class you were nervous, but you finally joined in and ran around. It is more of an open gym type of class, but you do a summersault at the end of it.

We went to Celebrate Wallingford the first week in October. You got to go inside a firetruck and a police car and you absolutely LOVED it. You made sounds like you were driving; you wore a plastic hat. You smiled. You were just so stinking cute. 

You make me so happy. I love you.

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