Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Happy 18 Months, Camden

Happy 18 Month Birthday
March 15, 2014

You are a year and a half old! In the past 3 months, you have had an explosion in your vocabulary.  You can say quite a few words, but people really have to pay attention to understand.  Some of your words are ball, book, baby, balloon, water (this one is quite hard to understand since you say “wawa” and often gets confused with Vavo), aaaannnnd GO, Mama, Dad (often sounds like DAT), no, mine, uh-oh, more, milk, Pop, Vavo, Vovo, and sometime Gramma.  You can answer Yes and No and point to things.  You generally make your needs and wants known so you communicate really well.

You only have 5 teeth.  In the past 3 months, only one more tooth on the top erupted, and it isn’t out fully yet.  You are so active. You run around, climb the stairs (but haven’t figured out going back down yet), climb on all your toys, and have races all the time by yelling “AAAAAANNND GO.”  You can drive your little train and truck. Sometimes Hudson will drive the truck and you will sit in the back.  It is really cute.

The last three months were fun and trying all at the same time.  Christmas was fantastic.  We went to Grandma and Poppy’s house for a Christmas party the week before Christmas and you were really well behaved.  Mommy broke her toe the day before that when you and Hudson were running around her in the kitchen and she was trying to make cookies.  Christmas Eve you were good at Auntie Lynette’s house and then at Titi Fatima’s house.  It was a late night, but you handled it well.  Your poor brother didn’t feel well though.  Christmas Day was spent at home and Grandma, Poppy, Vavo, Vovo, Anthony, and Ingrid came over.  Hudson made it difficult for Mommy to cook because he wanted to be held but you were pretty good.  You received lots of presents at Christmas. You had fun opening them up and playing with some of them.  Auntie Kimmy, Uncle Jeff, Dillon, Logan, Connor, Grandpa, and Anita came over after Christmas and we celebrated with them.  You had a fun time playing with your cousins. 

We went back to Sesame Place on December 30.  You and your brother had fun on the rides that were open and the shows that were on.  We went swimming in the hotel pool and you loved it.  The next day, we went back to the park. You LOVED the carousel and yelled and pointed to it every time you saw it.  We watched the New Years Eve fireworks display and then went back to the hotel. Your poor brother woke up in the middle of the night sick to his stomach.  You got sick the next day at home.  Mommy and Daddy got sick that night. We all had the Norovirus.  You and Mommy had it the worst and you were sick a few days.  You had both upper and lower GI issues and so did Mommy.  It was not fun.  You cried a lot.  So did Mommy.

You and Hudson shared a couple colds back and forth this winter.  Fortunately, you did not catch the horrible flu that Daddy had. You were coughing and wheezy so the doctor put you on a nebulizer.  The cold and cough lasted a while.  We missed a bunch of church because of it.

You had fun at Hudson’s birthday party at Monkey Joes. You like bouncing and playing in the toddler area.  We also went to Bounce U one day with one of Mommy’s friends and her children.  Her daughter is your age.  We went to a birthday party at Whippersnappers play gym and you love it. You enjoy going to these places, but you get nervous and overwhelmed in the beginning with all the people there.  You like Mommy holding you and do not want people to talk to you or touch you until you get comfortable. Oh, you went to a party (your cousin Alexander) at Home Depot.  Even though you were too little to put together the race car kit, you still liked eating the treats and playing with the car when it was finished.

This was a very snowy winter.  You liked playing out in the snow a little bit, but it was hard for you to walk around.  You would take your mittens off and touch the snow, not realizing how cold it was.  You like the warmer weather better.

Mommy, Daddy, and Hudson love you always.

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