Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy 10 Months, Camden

Happy 10 Month Birthday
July 15, 2013

Crawling, eating, and playing – these are what you fill your days with.  You are a busy little boy.  You crawl all over the place at super speeds. We think when you start walking, it will be a run! 

We went to a picnic at Poppy and Nana’s house for Father’s Day.  We went in the pool and ate some food.  You had a great time.  You like playing in the pool with everyone.  You would rather be held in the pool than sit in the frog float though. After the picnic, we went to see Vavo and Vovo for a picnic at their house. We had a good time.

This month, we went to Lake Compounce. Mommy had her work picnic there and you were so well behaved.  You didn’t get to go on the rides, but you hung out in the stroller and napped and were generally happy and relaxed. It was hot and humid, but you weren’t cranky at all.  You are PERFECT.

The Independence Day holiday was fun.  We went to Poppy and Nana’s for a picnic.  We played in the pool and you had a good time.  After eating and playing, we went to Vavo and Vovo’s house and ate supper there.  We walked to the fireworks down the hill from their house and you fell asleep and didn’t wake up for them.  A couple days later, we went to more fireworks. This time, we walked from Grandma and Poppy’s house and you watched the fireworks.  You liked them.  You take after your big brother that way. 

You are so sweet and happy. Everyone loves you so much.

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