Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy 8 Month Birthday, Camden

Happy 8 Month Birthday.
May 15, 2013

You are 8 months old already.  You are so much fun.  You had to get used to mommy leaving for work, but you normally do not mind it.  You are still generally happy.  You like “eating” your food and do enjoy feeding yourself with your fingers.  You LOVE being outside.  Unfortunately, you would rather pick and eat the grass than play with the toys that I brought out for you.  You watch your big brother play a little bit, but then find that the grass and dirt is way more interesting than anything else.  You like looking out the windows and doors; you throw a bit of a fit if I shut the door before you were finished exploring with your eyes. 

You started army crawling.  You can get around pretty quickly too.  You also keep trying to stand up in your crib but haven’t quite got it down on how to stand on both legs.  Keep trying little man, and you will get it soon!  Scratch that! Stop trying.  I like you being a little bit immobile.

On Mother’s Day, we went to the park (Hubbard Park in Meriden).  We went to the top of Castle Craig.  I don’t think you were very impressed.  We had a little picnic and watched your big brother go fishing with Poppy.  Grandma, Vavo, and Vovo played with you.  You slept while your brother played on the playground.  It was a great day, but a little bit cold.  Once again, you enjoyed the grass and dirt a bunch!

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