Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy 1 Month Birthday, Camden

October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday, Camden.  You are a month old. Stop. Stop Growing. Stop Time. I LOVE this stage. You are so sweet and cuddly. You are perfect. I love holding you and smelling your sweet baby scent.  You are a sleeper. You love to just sleep and nothing will keep you awake.  Except around 9:30 at night. You get a burst of energy and want to stay awake. It happens to be at the same time I am ready to call it a day and fall asleep.  Silly boy.  Your little brother still loves to hold and kiss and hug you all the time.  I hope you guys become great friends someday and enjoy playing with each other.

We went to your cousin's birthday party at his house. Connor turned ONE YEAR. You have a long way before that, but I know it will seem like just a blink before it comes. You have had lots of visitors and were given lots of gifts.  We are blessed to have you in our lives.

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