Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another thought so quickly! Oh my.

So, I've decided that I'm going to blog more often. I seldom do. I used to when I used my Xanga account years ago. Hmmm, I wonder if they randomly delete due to inactivity. Anyway, I read so many interesting articles about things that I value that I think would be good to put in here. That way, I can always just go to my blog when I want to look something up, instead of going through my Favorites list on Internet Explorer. AND, maybe it will make my blog interesting to people will want to read it. :) Oh well, even if my friend is my only follower, she's like-minded with me in a lot of things so she might enjoy it...of course, she's probably already read the link/information to since she follows more blogs.

I just became a FAN of Elizabeth Pantley on Facebook. She's the author of the "No Cry" Series of books. The No Cry Sleep Solution, No Cry Nap Solution...She recently wrote the No Cry Separation Anxiety Solution. I'm looking forward to reading it, even though I really haven't had much of a reason to leave my little one yet. I will be returning to work eventually (already feeling panicky about that) and would love to not hear "Oh, he's just so attached to you. Just let him cry and he'll stop." So, I will be reading this soon. is her website.

She had this quote on her account.
"Let's raise children who won't have to recover from their childhood." - Pam Leo

I thought it was powerful.

1 comment:

  1. please let me know how it is. christian has such separation anxiety. he is getting better at sleeping at night, although it is always going to be difficult with the two of them sharing a room.
