April 6, 2011
The past three months, you have become such a cute, little man. We had a busy time.
We went SLEDDING again! On Martin Luther King Day, we went sledding in Wolcott with some friends. We pulled you around on your little sled and you had a great time. YOu don't mind the cold: you don't mind the snow. You are such a chill baby. You love being outside. You still like going for walks in the stroller or in your tricycle. We just bundle you up and you lay back and relax.
For your birthday, you got a JETS football outfit. Whenever the JETS were playing, we would put you in it. Daddy had a football party with the JETS and Patriots played. The JETS won. You looked cute.
In February, we had Daddy's birthday and a few people came over. You walked around and ate food. We went to the Hunting and Fishing Expo, too. We pushed you around on your tricycle and you were thrilled. People thought you were adorable.
We went to some groups at the library. You LOVE going to Mother Goose. You watch the other children and "participate." We sing songs and march and read books. You really seem to enjoy yourself. You LOVE books. YOu ask all of us to read to you all the time. You will point to your shelves, do the sign for book (you sign a bunch of words now and try to say them too), pick up books, and sometimes read them to yourself and us. I love when you "read" to me. It's so sweet to hear you "talking" about what's on the pages.
Your eating habits are good. You still nurse quite a bit. I love getting to spend that time with you, though. You love any food that has tomato sauce on it. You LOVE yogurt too. You still seem to enjoy throwing your food on the floor and I cannot seem to break you of that bad habit. You love balloons. You got a frog balloon for Valentines Day and an Elmo balloon from Grandma and Poppie just because they love you. You played with them whenever you saw them.
The other day (the end of March), you decided that you had been in the house long enough. Even though we had gone grocery shopping the day before, you decided one evening around 6pm that you needed to get out and go for a drive. You were only wearing your diaper and a shirt because Daddy had taken of your overalls. You got me your pants so I could put them on you. Then, you got your shoes and motioned and grunted for me to put them on your feet by lifting up a foot. Once I did that, you went and got sneakers for me to put on (even though they were Daddy's). I asked you if you wanted me to put them on and you said yes. I got ready and put you in the carseat. You were so happy that we were going out. We went to Grandma and Poppie's house for a little while and you were happy. You "played" with Jasper. You love that dog.
You started giving kisses too. It is SO ADORABLE! You make the mmmmm sound and pucker up. Many times, we read a book with pictures of babies. One of the pictures is of two little babies kissing. When you see that picture, you turn to me, go mmmmm, adn give me a kiss. My heart just about melted the first time you did that. You are such a sweet boy who brings so much happiness and love to our home.
I love you so much.