November 6, 2010
This month, you started blowing bubbles with your mouth. It’s really cute. You will just sit there and when you get enough saliva (easily because you drool a lot now) you just open up your mouth and make bubbles. You also do raspberries all the time too. Sometimes, you do them into the air and sometimes into your hands. It’s so adorable I want you to never grow up and stay like this forever.
You started eating more. You like your food. You love walking. You hold our hands and just run all over the place. You will walk so much and so fast, you start to sweat. You get really angry when we stop to pick you up or sit you down. My little prince, you have a temper. It’s really kind of funny to see you flail your body back for a tantrum.
We’ve had a couple of playdates with new friends. One day, we all went to a pumpkin patch and you and a friend sat in the pumpkins. We also went to a farm that had a petting zoo. You didn’t pet the animals but you did look at them. You were amazed by all the new creatures you saw.
You started “climbing” the stairs. You can get up the bottom step. You love it when we sing “The Wheels on the Bus” and you do the motions with your hands. You’ve also started to play Peek-A-Boo. That has to be one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen in my life.
You had your first Halloween. You were a skunk and oh so cute. At first you acted like we were abusing you when we put your costume on you, but then you got used to it and liked it. We didn’t go trick-or-treating though.
We had a couple birthday parties this month. Your Uncle Anthony had a birthday and we went to Grandma and Poppie’s house and you were very well behaved. Grandma had a birthday and we went there again. You love bouncing in your special seat there. You love looking at the dogs too. Jasper takes an interest in you. Fluffy can’t be bothered with you, but she’s a mean old lady dog.
You are so adorable. I could just hug and kiss you all day long!