July 6, 2010
This was a busy month for you. You started sitting up and without much support. We put pillows around you in case you fall over. You do very well though. You started scooting on your bottom too when you sit. It’s your version of crawling since you act like you have no desire to learn how to crawl. In order to do that, you’d need to hang out on your belly, but you always roll right onto your back whenever we put you on your stomach. Sometimes you “yell” at us when we put you on your stomach. You think we would have learned by now that you hate hanging out on your stomach.
We got you a booster seat/high chair and you sit on it at the table when we eat meals. You hadn’t started eating solid foods yet, so we just give you a spoon and some toys to play with. You appear to like sitting at the table though. You act all proud of yourself, because you’re a big kid!
Father’s Day was a big day for you. First, you bought your father a first edition RISK game. He loved it. It was Baby Dedication at church and all of your grandparents, your Aunt, Uncle, and cousins came to see you in the “Baby Parade” at church and being dedicated with the other babies. After church, everyone came over to the house to eat lunch. Later on that day, you went in the BIG pool (inground) at Big Poppie’s house. You L-O-V-E-D the pool. You splashed and tried to drink the water. It was very cute.
You met Aunt Selma, Aunt Rosemary, and Aunt Ann today for the first time. You smiled at them,
You went to a birthday party on July 3 for your friends Olivia and Sophia. You and Sophia played together. You loved her swingset. In fact, you enjoyed it so much, you fell asleep in the swing. After the party, we stopped by Grandma and Poppie’s house and walked to the fireworks with your friend Logan and his parents. You slept on the way to the fireworks and woke up a little bit before they started. You enjoyed them. Your eyes were big as Daddy was holding you. Halfway through it, you got a little bored and wanted to eat. On Independence Day, we all went to a picnic at Vovo and Vavo’s house. You went in their big pool but it was really cold, so you didn’t stay in it very long. Daddy set off some fireworks and you had fun watching them.
On your 6 month birthday, you ate avocados for the first time. You played with them and mashed them around. You shuddered when you put some in your mouth. It was adorable.