Happy 5 Month Birthday
June 6, 2010
This month, you celebrated Mother’s Day by giving your Mommy a beautiful rosebush. Somehow, you knew that Mommy really wanted a rosebush. Daddy must have told you that. You like to sit up. You’ve decided you have no use for lying on your belly or your back. You don’t roll from back to belly yet, so you just get angry like a turtle on its back. We put pillows around you and let you sit up. You love it.
You still love your jumperoo. You’re like a maniac in that thing. It’s cute.
You talk a lot. You nap never. Considering how little you nap (unless you’re in Mommy’s arms) you’re relatively happy. You don’t really fuss all that much. We are VERY blessed. You don’t like going to bed at night though. I think you just love being held/touched, which makes sense. I mean, if I were your age, I’d want to be held by the people that I love the most in this world, and being near the food supply would be AWESOME too.
Mommy and Daddy left you for the first time for an extended period of time. They had a wedding to go to and you weren’t invited. You stayed at home and your Grandma came over to play with you. You played in the sink and you LOVED it. Grandma took pictures with her phone and sent them to Mommy. You also went for a walk with Grandma while she wore you in the Bjorn. You fell asleep. It started raining while you guys were out walking though. You decided that you were mad at Grandma and Mommy and refused to take your bottle that your Mommy had pumped for you. You wouldn’t eat and you yelled. No worries though. You weren’t going to starve. You ate as soon as Mommy got home.
On Memorial Day, you spent it with the women in your family – Mommy, Grandma, Vovo, and Nana. Your Daddy and the rest of the men in your family went fishing without you. The nerve of them to leave you with a bunch of girls! You had a good time though. You looked at the dogs, napped outside on a beach towel, and went in a pool your Grandma bought you. That was the first time you went in a pool and you loved it. It was just your size and you jumped in it to splash.
Your friend turned ONE and you went to his birthday party. You behaved very well even though it was hot and Mommy wouldn't let you eat the cake.
It was a good month for you.