Happy 4 Month Birthday
May 6, 2010
This month, you rolled over for the first time! I was SO EXCITED for you. It was right after your 3 month appointment with the pediatrician (yes, you got another shot, DTaP this time, but you didn’t cry at all – you actually just looked at her and then continued to “talk” to her). I praised you. Daddy was outside working on the yard so he didn’t see it. When he came in, I put you on your belly again to try to get you to roll over to your back. You refused. You cried. In fact, all month long, you only rolled from belly to back on your own terms. If either of us asked you to roll, you refused, cried, and then when we picked you back up, you seemed to be “telling us off”. It was amusing. You really don’t like being on your stomach all that much.
You do love your jumperoo. You sit in that and play with the little ducks or the horse on it and bounce. We try not to keep you in it for very long because I’ve heard it’s not great for your development. You’re content for a few minutes in it though.
I think you hate the fact that you can’t walk. You get “antsy” if you’re in one room for a long period of time. I guess that’s understandable. You have so much to see and learn.
You don’t sleep for long periods of time. You wake up about every 2 hours at night, but that’s okay because you fall right back to sleep when you’re done eating. I’ve read in the research of James McKenna that is normal in breastfed babies that bedshare. I get plenty of rest, so I’m not too worried.
We learned infant massage this month. You enjoy getting massaged on your legs the most I think. Of course, you don’t act like it relaxes you since all you do is talk all the time. You are such a vocal baby. I think the olive oil is good for your skin, which appears to be getting a little bit dry lately.
We spend some days at home, reading books, learning our alphabet, and hanging out. Other days, we visit your friends at their houses, go for walks, and go to the store. You like going for walks the best. You LOVE the outdoors.
I can’t believe that my maternity leave is going to be over before I know it. I’m going to miss spending all day every day with you, little one. You brighten up my day, every day.